Is it possible to breastfeed after work?
It is possible to continue
breastfeeding the baby after returning to work. Working outside
the home is often cited as a reason for the decline in
breastfeeding rates around the world because breastfeeding and
working outside are seen as mutually exclusive activities. But it
has been observed that many working mothers have breastfed their
babies successfully.
Breastfeeding and Returning to Work
Breastfeeding is good for you and your baby. It is the best source
of nutrition and also protects your baby against many illnesses.
According to some experts, babies should be breastfed (given only
breast milk) for at least the first 6 months of life, and they
should continue to be fed some breast milk until they are at least
1 year old.
Guidelines for successful breastfeeding for working mothers
Guidelines for successful breastfeeding for working mothers Before
the mother returns to work:
Enjoy this special time with the baby.
Learn how to express breast milk.
Breastfeed the baby frequently and on demand to establish a good
milk supply.
A few days before you return to work, give expressed breast milk
feed to the baby with a cup or a spoon.
On joining work, the mother should:
Breastfeed early in the morning.
Also, breastfeed just before leaving for work and then again when
you come back.
If your place of work is near your home, come back home to
breastfeed during breastfeeding breaks.
Again breastfeed frequently after you come back in the evening.
At night breastfeed the child as many times as possible.
If creche facilities are available near to place of work then baby
can be fed during breastfeeding breaks.
Express breast milk during work in a clean container for storage
to be given to baby later on or discard to relieve heaviness. This
will ensure adequate milk production.
Growing Stronger, Growing
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