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Ultrasound examination  



What is an ultrasound scan?

An ultrasound scan involves transmitting high frequency sound waves through the uterus. These bounce off the baby and the returning echoes (sound waves) are translated by a computer into an image on a screen that reveals the baby's position and movements.

Hard tissues such as bone reflect as white in the image, and soft tissues appear grey and speckled. Fluids (amniotic fluid) do not reflect any echoes so appear black. The contrast between these different shades of white, grey and black allows your sonographer to interpret the images.

Who will do the scan?
ultrasoundScans are usually performed by a doctors, midwives or radiographers who are specially trained in ultrasound, and are known as sonographers. Most have completed a post graduate Certificate, Diploma or Master's degree in Medical Ultrasound.

What happens during an ultrasound examination?

ultrasonologistUltrasound examinations are performed on your lower abdomen. Gel is ultrasonographyspread on your stomach area to allow the ultrasound waves to pass from a transducer into your body. The waves reflect off internal organs and the fetus if you are pregnant, creating a moving picture on a screen. This is known as real time ultrasound, and you can view the picture on the monitor at the same time as the ultrasonologist.

Why do I need a full bladder? - In the early weeks of pregnancy, the uterus and the ovaries lie deep in the pelvis. So if you are having a scan in early pregnancy, you will need to drink several glasses of water beforehand so that your uterus is pushed out of your pelvis by your bladder, allowing the sonographer to get a good picture of your baby. If you have any bleeding complications in pregnancy, the lower part of the uterus needs to be viewed carefully to make sure that the afterbirth (placenta) is not in the way. Under these circumstances, a moderately filled bladder is need for a proper examination. For most of the other ultrasound examinations, a small amount of urine in your bladder is adequate. If you are not sure whether you can empty your bladder before the examination, ask the attending staff before your ultrasound scan.

pregnancy ultrasoundWill an ultrasound scan hurt? - An abdominal scan is painless pregnancy_ultrasoundexcept for the discomfort of the transducer pressing on your tummy if you have a very full bladder. A full bladder is not necessary for scans done later in pregnancy, though some hospitals may still request it. The gel used may feel slightly cold and wet. There will be no sensations from the ultrasound waves.

Are ultrasound scans safe? - Ultrasound has been in clinical use since 1960 and medical research has found no side effects. Most experts agree that the procedure should not be done without clear medical reasons, and limited to the minimum needed to make a diagnosis.

Transvaginal probeWhat are Transvaginal scans? - Ultrasound scanning can be done vaginal_scan_probewith the probe placed in the vagina of the patient. This method usually provides better images in the early stages of pregnancy or in patients who are overweight. Fetal cardiac pulsation can be clearly observed as early as 6 weeks of gestation and vaginal scans are also becoming indispensible in the early diagnosis of ectopic pregnancies. The sonographer will use a cover similar to a condom and will lubricate this with plenty of gel so it slides in easily. The sonographer will cover you with a sheet, and, if you relax your muscles so that the transducer can slide in easily, it should not be in the least bit uncomfortable. It is not necessary to go in very deeply, and it will not harm you or your baby in any way. You would usually be asked to empty your bladder before vaginal scanning.

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