What are temper tantrums?
Temper tantrums are emotional and physical "meltdowns" common
among children in the 2- to 4-year-old age range. The toddler may
demonstrate a number of characteristic behaviors, including
screaming, kicking, lying on the floor, and occasionally holding
his breath (rarely to the point of passing out). As a child
matures, these manifestations of emotional, developmental, and
physical immaturity gradually extinguish themselves. Studies
indicate that 23%-85% of children between 2 and 4 years of age
will commonly have temper tantrums.
What causes temper tantrum in toddlers?
A toddler's view of the world is egocentric; "I want what I want,
when I want it!" This narcissistic view of their world is coupled
with an incomplete and unbalanced development of expressive
language skills when compared with their more complete receptive
language skills. The receptive language of a 2-year-old child is
numbered in the thousands, while the expressive skill generally is
150-200 words. Perhaps more frustrating for the toddler is the
receptive ability to understand complex sentence structure while
only able to express his thoughts in two- to three-word phrases.
The toddler world is full of exploration and discovery. Commonly,
young children learn by observation and attempting the same or
similar task. This (from a parental perspective) is fine when it
comes to desired behaviors (such as toilet training). However,
playing with the TV remote control is not part of these desired
behaviors, unless you are a toddler and don't discriminate with
regard to goals. When a parent's desire for safety and limiting
chaos clashes with their young child's fierce struggle for
autonomy and limited language capabilities, the temper tantrum is
almost inevitable.
How should parents handle temper tantrums
in toddlers?
Over the years, parents and psychologists have developed a series
of suggestions to help deal with temper tantrums. These include
Don't get sucked into the emotion of the situation. Remain calm
and unemotional. If possible (for example, at home) tell the child
you can't understand him when he behaves that way and leave the
area. Inform him that when he calms down you will talk with him
about what he wants. Feeding into the situation by trying to deal
with the out of control child reinforces the behavior.
Try to distract or redirect the child. Many parents observe that
this strategy works better in the young toddler; the older child
is less likely to be "bought off."
Discipline should be promptly applied, brief, proportionate to the
"crime," and rendered without emotion by the parent. The classic
recommendation for "time-out" of one minute per year of age has
well stood the test of time. A quick verbal explanation of the
infraction is reasonable ("You are going into time-out because you
kept pinching your brother. We don't pinch. Pinching hurts.")
Realize that temper tantrums are a way a child is testing your
limits in addition to a way of venting frustration. If he
discovers that he is more likely to succeed in a certain setting
(such as at grocery-store checkout line), he will persevere in
this location. Parents may be very frustrated by their toddler's
temper tantrums in a public venue; take heart in the fact that
almost all the other adults have similarly been the recipient of
their child's wrath in a public locale.
Should children be punished for having
temper tantrums?
Temper tantrums in 2- to 4-year-old children are considered an
essential part of normal child development. By the time they are
less frequent, children have substantially increased their
expressive verbal skills. In addition, they have developed
alternative and more successful techniques for achieving their
goal. Such maturation requires that parents provide proper role
modeling for their toddler. Therefore, it is important to note
that parents who lack effective anger- and conflict-management
skills often provide the opposite. Yelling and screaming, throwing
objects, and physical violence will both terrify a child and serve
as an object lesson of how powerful people handle frustration.
Growing Stronger, Growing
Global Health
Healthcare Provider
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