Splenomegaly is an enlargement of the spleen beyond its normal
size. The spleen is an organ involved in the production and
maintenance of red blood cells, the production of certain
circulating white blood cells, and is a part of the lymph system
and the immune system. Because of its wide variety of functions,
the spleen may be affected by many conditions involving the blood
or lymph system, and by infection, cancers, liver disease, and
What are the causes?
3. Haemolytic anaemias
Haemolytic anaemia due to G6PD deficiency
Immune haemolytic anaemia
4. Cancer
Hodgkin’s disease
5. Other causes
What is the diagnosis?
Splenomegaly is usually detected during a physical
examination by a health care provider. A detailed examination of
the abdomen will probably be performed. Diagnostic tests may be
required, including:
1. Blood tests such as a CBC 2. Tests for suspected causes 3. Abdominal film or CT scan
When considering whether an LUQ mass is an enlarged spleen,
features of an enlarged spleen include that:
It moves with respiration.
It enlarges towards the right iliac fossa (RIF) - always start
palpation in the RIF and move across towards the right upper
quadrant (or a massive splenomegaly may be missed).
You cannot palpate above it - the upper margin lies under the
You may feel a notch.
It is dull to percussion.
Always remember to check for any accompanying lymphadenopathy
and/or features of liver disease.
Investigation will depend on the specific clinical presentation of
the patient but may include:
Abdominal ultrasound imaging, MRI scanning, CT scanning.
FBC, reticulocytes, blood film.
Haemoglobinopathy screen.
Virology, microbiology.
Serum protein electrophoresis.
Peripheral blood cell markers (leukaemia, lymphoma).
Radioisotope liver and spleen scan.1
Liver biopsy, bone marrow biopsy, lymph node biopsy.
Splenomegaly in children
This is most commonly caused by infection, autoimmune disorders or
haemolysis. It may be a presenting feature of neoplasia (e.g.
metastases neuroblastoma).
Causes include:
Infection: glandular fever, cytomegalovirus (CMV), other viral
infections, often accompanied by lymphadenopathy; bacterial,
protozoan, and fungal infections.
Autoimmune: juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.
Haemolysis: hereditary spherocytosis, sickle cell anemia,
Neoplasia: acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL), Hodgkin's disease
and Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL), acute or chronic myeloblastic
leukaemia, neuroblastoma.
Inherited diseases: Gaucher's disease and other storage disorders.
This is a pancytopenia occurring in patients with an enlarged
spleen. It is due to large numbers of cells being pooled and
destroyed in the spleen's reticular-endothelial system, and
haemodilution because of an increased plasma volume.
It can present with symptoms of anaemia, infection, or bleeding.
Bone marrow biopsy shows normal or hyperplastic marrow.
Splenic sequestration crisis may develop in young children with
sickle cell anaemia, which can precipitate hypovolaemic shock and
death, and is an indication for splenectomy.
Treatment of the cause.
Blood transfusions may be required.
Open or laparoscopic splenectomy may be indicated to control or
stage the disease (e.g. hereditary spherocytosis, Hodgkin's
Patients with impaired splenic function need prophylactic
vaccinations etc. (see separate article Splenectomy, Hyposplenism
and Asplenia).
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Splenomegaly - treatment of Splenomegaly ,
Splenomegaly types, Disease medicines, Splenomegaly symptoms, Splenomegaly
and Disease symptoms, Splenomegaly symptoms Disease and diagnosis, Symptoms
and Solutions, Signs and Symptoms, type of Splenomegaly , cause common,
common Splenomegaly , Splenomegaly List, causes list, Infectious
Splenomegaly , Causes, Diseases , Types, Prevention, Treatment and Facts,
Splenomegaly information, Splenomegaly : Definition, Splenomegaly names,
medical Splenomegaly , medical Splenomegaly and disorders, cell Splenomegaly
, Splenomegaly Worldwide, Splenomegaly Research, Splenomegaly Control,
Splenomegaly Center, Digestive Splenomegaly Week, Information about
Splenomegaly , causes of different Splenomegaly , Splenomegaly Articles,
Splenomegaly and conditions, Health and Splenomegaly , Splenomegaly
Patients, Splenomegaly and Sciences, causes of alzheimer's Splenomegaly ,
Splenomegaly causes, alternative medicine heart Splenomegaly , body
ailments, Splenomegaly medicines, medical antiques, type of blood