Safety Belts Use
There is absolutely no doubt that the single most effective thing
that every vehicle occupant can do to help save their own life if
they have an accident, is to wear their safety belt. Safety belts
hold the occupant, preventing ejection from the car and hitting an
outside obstacle. The forces at play in even an average low speed
accident are tremendous and people who think they can restrain
themselves by firmly holding the steering wheel would have to be
able to lift a mass equivalent to more than 30 times their own,
which clearly would be superhuman!
Many vehicles are now equipped with most sophisticated safety belt
technologies, such as pre-tensioners (tightening the belt in the
very early phases of the accident - or even before the accident
occurs!) and energy absorbing belts (gradually absorbing the
deceleration energy, thereby avoiding chest compression).
Growing Stronger, Growing
Global Health
Healthcare Provider
Safety belts - treatment of Safety belts,
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and Disease symptoms, Safety belts symptoms Disease and diagnosis, Symptoms
and Solutions, Signs and Symptoms, type of Safety belts, cause common,
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Center, Digestive Safety belts Week, Information about Safety belts, causes
of different Safety belts, Safety belts Articles, Safety belts and
conditions, Health and Safety belts, Safety belts Patients, Safety belts and
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medicines, medical antiques, type of blood Safety belts