Prolonged exposure to cold:
Prolonged exposure to cold conditions, particularly wet and windy
weather, or immersion in cold water can cause the body’s heat
regulating mechanism to fail, with severe, even fatal, results.
Hypothermia is the extreme cooling of the body, often caused by
prolonged immersion in cold water. After the loss of the body’s
surface heat, there is cooling of the deep tissues and organs.
Old and the young children are the most susceptible because their
bodies are the least efficient at regulating body temperature.
However, even young and healthy adults can also get seriously
affected if they are exposed to extreme cold without adequate
protection. Prolonged exposure of the extremities to severe cold
can result in frostbite. In extreme cases, gangrene may develop
and amputation may be necessary.
Mild to moderate over-exposure
Mild to moderate over-exposureSigns and symptoms:
Shivering and a feeling of being cold
Extreme fatigue
Blurred vision
Slowing of mental and physical alertness
Inability to speak clearly
Stumbling and uncoordinated movements
First aid:
Do not attempt to warm the victim quickly by using an electric
blanket or hot-water bottle or by placing the person close to a
fire or heater.
If the person is unconscious, place him or her in a comfortable
position, check the airway, breathing and pulse and begin
artificial respiration.
Move the person to a sheltered, dry spot. Replace wet clothes with
warm, dry clothing, blankets or sleeping bag to prevent further
heat loss. If available, use windproof material such as aluminium
foil or plastic, for further protection.
If the person is conscious, give him or her warm drinks.
Do not give alcohol.
Seek medical advice.
Extreme over-exposure Signs and symptoms
Slow and shallow breathing
Slow pulse
If it patient is a small baby, the skin may look a healthy pink,
but is cold to the touch.
Unconsciousness, particularly in case of old and unhealthy
First aid:
The warming process must be gradual, as sudden heating could cause
Do not place anyone suffering from hypothermia in a hot bath.
Do not apply an electric blanket or hot water bottle or warm the
victim by a fire or a heater.
Follow the first aid steps as for mild to moderate exposure to
Frostbite Signs and symptoms:
Affected part has a tingling sensation or gets numb.
Skin is waxy, white and firm to touch
Pain is not felt until the area becomes warm again
First aid:
Do not rub or massage the affected area
Do not apply direct heat, cold water or snow
Do not give alcohol
Move the patient to a dry, warm and sheltered place if possible.
Warm the affected area slowly, using body heat, for example, cup
your hands around the affected part.
Cover any blisters with dry, sterile dressings.
Seek medical advice.
Growing Stronger, Growing
Global Health
Healthcare Provider
Over-exposure to cold - treatment of
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