Neuralgia is a general term for nerve
pain affecting the peripheral nerves. Neuralgia often results in
head and neck pain that is spasmodic, and is an extremely painful
disorder that can completely destroy a person's quality of life.
The most common cause of neuralgia is neuritis, an inflammation of
the nerves that can be caused by injury. There are several types
of neuralgia, namely trigeminal, postherpetic (caused by shingles)
and occipital. The nerves affected by neuralgia are usually
responsible for sensing touch, temperature and facial pressure.
Trigeminal neuralgia, one of the most painful conditions seen in
medicine, may cause a great disruption in the lifestyle of the
sufferer. However, neuralgia is extremely rare, especially in
those under 30. Women are most likely to succumb to neuralgia than
What are the symptoms of Neuralgia?
Neuralgia often affects the face, with symptoms manifesting in
episodes of excruciating, electric shock like, or stabbing pain.
It can also showcase as a burning and itchy type of symptom. This
pain generally only lasts a few minutes and occurs on only one
specific side of the face. Symptoms of Trigeminal neuralgia are
extremely severe, resulting in sharp spasms on one side of the
face, often affecting the forehead, eyes, scalp, lips, nose or
jaws. Victims of Postherpetic neuralgia suffer from a complex form
of shingles, and can be brought on by illness, stress, medications
or advancing age. Occipital neuralgia often causes spasms of pain
to the back or the front and sides of the head and usually occurs
after a spinal injury, such as whiplash. It can also be caused by
or conditions like gout or diabetes.
Neuralgia can occur at any age, but is most common in the elderly.
What causes Neuralgia?
The causes of Neuralgia can depend on the type. As stated before,
spinal injury or certain diseases can cause occipital neuralgia.
Chemical irritation, inflammation, recent trauma, compression of
nerves by tumors, and infections may all lead to neuralgia. In
many cases, however, the cause is unknown. The most frequent cause
of trigeminal neuralgia is a blood vessel pressing on the nerve
near the brain stem. Over time, changes in the blood vessels of
the brain can result in a blood vessels rubbing against the
trigeminal nerve root. The constant rubbing with each heartbeat
wears away the insulating membrane of the nerve, resulting in
nerve irritation.
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