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What Is Lymphoma?
Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system carries lymph fluid and white blood cells throughout body. The purpose of the lymphatic system is to fight infections.

Like all cancers, lymphoma happens when the body's cells grow out of control, often causing tumors to grow. Most lymphomas are made up of white blood cells called either T cells or B cells.

Lymphoma cells are sometimes found in the blood, but tend to form solid tumors in the lymph system or in organs. These tumors can often be felt as a painless lump or swollen gland almost anywhere in the body

What Treatments Are Available For Lymphoma?

The methods of treatment used for lymphoma include:

Chemotherapy (drugs) and radiation therapy :-
Chemotherapy is a treatment of cancer with drugs (or medication). A chemotherapy drug acts by killing tumor cells. When chemotherapy is delivered, either in the form of an injection or an oral medication, the drug travels through the blood to reach the tumor. There it can act on tumor cells in many ways, ultimately causing their death.

Cancer cells are not like bacteria or other microbes. They are the body's own cells modified by gene changes to become a cancer. In the process of killing cancer cells, chemotherapy drugs should not result in a lot of damage to the other normal cells of the body. Most of the side effects of chemotherapy result from small amounts of damage to normal cells with the drugs used.

Bone marrow transplant :-
One form of chemotherapy, called high-dose chemotherapy (HDCT), uses very high doses of toxic drugs to kill all possible tumor cells. Because these high doses also kill most of the bone marrow, patients are then given a bone marrow transplant to restore their ability to make new red and white blood cells The cells of the immune system that fight infection, attack foreign substances or cells, and sometimes kill cancer cells

Bone marrow may be taken from the patient before chemotherapy begins and given back to the patient after treatment is done. Or, bone marrow from another person may be used.

Biologic therapy :-
We now understand a great deal about cancer and the body's defense systems. Biological therapy Uses chemicals or proteins made by the body's own cells to activate the body's defenses against a cancer. Also called immunotherapy or biological response modifier (BRM) therapy. , also called biological response modifier therapy (BRMT), uses chemicals made by the body's own cells in order to activate the body's defenses against cancer.

Many biological therapies are still experimental, but research is being done to develop and improve them. Scientists and doctors hope that they will soon be able to treat most forms of cancer using these therapies, combined with treatments like chemotherapy and radiation therapy.


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