Syndrome |
What is Kallmann's
Kallmann's syndrome is a congenital hormonal condition
characterised by the failure of an individual to enter puberty. It
is a form of hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism. The underlying cause
is a failure in the communication pathways within the body that
should operate in order to initiate puberty at the correct time.
In particular it is a failure of communication between two
structures inside the brain called the hypothalamus and the
anterior pituitary gland. This failure of communication results in
the sex organs or gonads (testes or ovaries) not maturing in the
usual manner during puberty.
Causes, incidence, and
risk factors?
Hypogonadotropichypogonadism is caused by a lack of the gonadal
stimulating pituitary hormones: follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
and luteinizing hormone (LH).
Normally, the hypothalamus in the brain releases gonadotropin-releasing
hormone (GnRH), which stimulates the pituitary gland to release
other hormones, including FSH and LH. These hormones tell the
female ovaries and male testes to secrete hormones that are
responsible for normal sexual development in puberty. A disruption
in this chain of events causes a deficiency of the sex hormones
and prevents normal sexual maturity.
Failure of the hypothalamus is most commonly a result of Kallmann
syndrome. Kallmann syndrome is an inherited form of
hypogonadotropichypogonadism that can be associated with a loss of
• Absence of secondary sexual characteristics such as pubic,
facial, and underarm hair
• Inability to smell (in some cases)
• Lack of development at puberty (may involve incomplete
development or a significant delay in development)
• Underdeveloped testicles
• Short stature (in some cases)
Signs and tests
Tests that may be done include:
• Blood tests to measure various hormone levels
• LH response to GnRH
• MRI of the head
Treatment depends on the source of the problem but may involve:
• Injections of testosterone
• Slow-release testosterone skin patch
• Estrogen and progesterone pills
• GnRH injections
• Testosterone gels
Expectations (prognosis)
With the right hormone treatment, the person can begin puberty and
fertility may be restored.
• Delayed puberty
• Infertility
• Low self-esteem due to late start of puberty (emotional support
may be helpful)
Kallman Syndrome - treatment of Kallman
Syndrome, Kallman Syndrome types, Disease medicines, Kallman Syndrome
symptoms, Kallman Syndrome and Disease symptoms, Kallman Syndrome symptoms
Disease and diagnosis, Symptoms and Solutions, Signs and Symptoms, type of
Kallman Syndrome, cause common, common Kallman Syndrome, Kallman Syndrome
List, causes list, Infectious Kallman Syndrome, Causes, Diseases , Types,
Prevention, Treatment and Facts, Kallman Syndrome information, Kallman
Syndrome: Definition, Kallman Syndrome names, medical Kallman Syndrome,
medical Kallman Syndrome and disorders, cell Kallman Syndrome, Kallman
Syndrome Worldwide, Kallman Syndrome Research, Kallman Syndrome Control,
Kallman Syndrome Center, Digestive Kallman Syndrome Week, Information about
Kallman Syndrome, causes of different Kallman Syndrome, Kallman Syndrome
Articles, Kallman Syndrome and conditions, Health and Kallman Syndrome,
Kallman Syndrome Patients, Kallman Syndrome and Sciences, causes of
alzheimer's Kallman Syndrome, Kallman Syndrome causes, alternative medicine
heart Kallman Syndrome, body ailments, Kallman Syndrome medicines, medical
antiques, type of blood Kallman Syndrome |