High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure increases your chance for getting heart
disease and kidney disease, and for having a stroke. It is
especially dangerous because it often has no warning signs or
symptoms. Regardless of race, age, or gender, anyone can develop
high blood pressure. It is estimated that one in every four
American adults has high blood pressure. Once high blood pressure
develops, it usually lasts a lifetime. You can prevent and control
high blood pressure by taking action.
Why Is High Blood Pressure Important?
High blood pressure is dangerous because it
makes the heart work too hard. It also makes the walls of the
arteries hard. High blood pressure increases the risk for heart
disease and stroke, the first- and third-leading causes of death
for Americans. High blood pressure can also cause other problems,
such as heart failure, kidney disease, and blindness.
Treatment of
High Blood Pressure
It is important to take steps to keep your blood
pressure under control. The treatment goal is blood pressure below
140/90 and lower for people with other conditions, such as
diabetes and kidney disease. Adopting healthy lifestyle habits is
an effective first step in both preventing and controlling high
blood pressure. If lifestyle changes alone are not effective in
keeping your pressure controlled, it may be necessary to add blood
pressure medications. In this section you will learn about blood
pressure-lowering lifestyle habits and blood pressure medications.
Issues for Women
Three out of four women with high blood pressure know they have
it. Yet fewer than one in three are controlling their blood
pressure. All women should take steps to control their blood
pressure. Learn more about conditions that can increase blood
pressure in women.
Oral Contraceptives
Hormone Replacement Therapy
Global Health
Healthcare Provider
Hypertension - treatment of Hypertension,
Hypertension types, Disease medicines, Hypertension symptoms, Hypertension
and Disease symptoms, Hypertension symptoms Disease and diagnosis, Symptoms
and Solutions, Signs and Symptoms, type of Hypertension, cause common,
common Hypertension, Hypertension List, causes list, Infectious
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medical Hypertension, medical Hypertension and disorders, cell Hypertension,
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causes, alternative medicine heart Hypertension, body ailments, Hypertension
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