What are HIV and AIDS?
The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the virus that causes
AIDS. HIV attacks the immune system by destroying CD4 positive
(CD4+) T cells, a type of white blood cell that is vital to
fighting off infection. The destruction of these cells leaves
people infected with HIV vulnerable to other infections, diseases
and other complications.
The acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is the final stage
of HIV infection. A person infected with HIV is diagnosed with
AIDS when he or she has one or more opportunistic infections, such
as pneumonia or tuberculosis, and has a dangerously low number of
CD4+ T cells (less than 200 cells per cubic millimeter of blood).
How HIV Causes AIDS
HIV destroys CD4 positive (CD4+) T cells, which are white blood
cells crucial to maintaining the function of the human immune
system. As HIV attacks these cells, the person infected with the
virus is less equipped to fight off infection and disease,
ultimately resulting in the development of AIDS.
Most people who are infected with HIV can carry the virus for
years before developing any serious symptoms. But over time, HIV
levels increase in the blood while the number of CD4+ T cells
decline. Antiretroviral medicines can help reduce the amount of
virus in the body, preserve CD4+ T cells and dramatically slow the
destruction of the immune system.
People who are not infected with HIV and generally
are in good health have roughly 800 to 1,200 CD4+ T cells per
cubic millimeter (mm3) of blood. Some people who have been
diagnosed with AIDS have fewer than 50 CD4+ T cells in their
entire body.
Learn More
More on How HIV Causes AIDS
The HIV-AIDS Connection
The Evidence That HIV Causes
The Relationship Between HIV
and AIDS
HIV/AIDS Connection Resources
and Links
Early Symptoms
In the initial stages of HIV infection, most people will have very
few, if any, symptoms. Within a month or two after infection,
individuals may experience a flu-like illness, including:
Enlarged lymph nodes in the
neck and groin area
These symptoms usually disappear
within a week to a month and are often mistaken for another viral
infection, such as influenza (flu). However, during this period
people are highly infectious because HIV is present in large
quantities in genital fluids and blood. Some people infected with
HIV may experience more severe symptoms initially or a longer
duration of clinical symptoms, while others may remain
symptom-free for 10 years or more.
Later Symptoms
During the late stages of HIV infection, the virus severely
weakens the immune system, and people infected with the virus may
experience the following symptoms:
Rapid weight loss
Recurring fever or profuse
night sweats
Extreme and unexplained
Prolonged swelling of the
lymph glands in the armpits, groin or neck
Diarrhea that lasts for more
than a week
Sores of the mouth, anus or
Red, brown, pink or purplish
blotches on or under the skin or inside the mouth, nose or
Memory loss, depression
and other neurological disorders.
Each of these symptoms can be
related to other illnesses. The only way to determine if you are
infected with HIV is to get tested.
Treatment of HIV Infection
In the early 1980s when the HIV/AIDS epidemic began, people with
AIDS were not likely to live longer than a few years.
Today, there are 31 antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) approved by the
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat HIV infection.
These treatments do not cure people of HIV or AIDS. Rather, they
suppress the virus, even to undetectable levels, but they do not
completely eliminate HIV from the body. By suppressing the amount
of virus in the body, people infected with HIV can now lead longer
and healthier lives. However, they can still transmit the virus
and must continuously take antiretroviral drugs in order to
maintain their health quality.
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