What is
Frigidity is a condition in which a woman is unable to achieve or
sustain sexual arousal. She may not be able to exhibit adequate
sexual desire, arousal, orgasm or desire for intercourse.
What are its causes?
* Unskilled or uncaring partner.
* Communication problems with the partner.
* Anxiety, depression, fear of pregnancy, feelings of guilt and
shame about sex.
* Fear of pain or infection.
* A physical cause that inflicts pain during intercourse.
* Reduction in oestrogen levels in menopause.
* Deep-seated psychological problems.
* Previous surgery, such as removal of the uterus, may also lead
to the inability to perform sexually.
How is it treated?
Treatment consists of psychological and physical examination that
would help to identify the underlying cause for the problem.
Questions related to relationships, attitudes towards sex and any
physical symptoms if present may be asked. A pelvic examination
may be done if needed.
In some cases counselling sessions by a trained psychologist may
help to cure the problem.
Suffering from Frigidity
Communication is the
key to any successful relationship
Discussing feelings
with their Partner
Frigidity - treatment of Frigidity, Frigidity
types, Disease medicines, Frigidity symptoms, Frigidity and Disease
symptoms, Frigidity symptoms Disease and diagnosis, Symptoms and Solutions,
Signs and Symptoms, type of Frigidity, cause common, common Frigidity,
Frigidity List, causes list, Infectious Frigidity, Causes, Diseases , Types,
Prevention, Treatment and Facts, Frigidity information, Frigidity:
Definition, Frigidity names, medical Frigidity, medical Frigidity and
disorders, cell Frigidity, Frigidity Worldwide, Frigidity Research,
Frigidity Control, Frigidity Center, Digestive Frigidity Week, Information
about Frigidity, causes of different Frigidity, Frigidity Articles,
Frigidity and conditions, Health and Frigidity, Frigidity Patients,
Frigidity and Sciences, causes of alzheimer's Frigidity, Frigidity causes,
alternative medicine heart Frigidity, body ailments, Frigidity medicines,
medical antiques, type of blood Frigidity