What is Diphtheria?
Diphtheria is an acute bacterial disease caused by Corynebacterium
Diphtheriae. It is highly contagious and spreads in overcrowded
areas. The disease is transmitted through respiratory secretions
or droplets in the air. The bacteria may enter the body through
the nose or mouth. They may also enter through a break in the skin
and may colonise wound surfaces.
What are the symptoms?
The bacteria multiply in the throat or on the wound. They may form
a membrane in the throat and over the tonsils. Other common
symptoms include breathing difficulty, a husky voice, enlarged
lymph glands in the neck (Bull neck), nasal drainage, low-grade
fever and an increased heart rate.
Diphtheria may often have symptoms due to the toxins produced by
the causative bacteria resulting in Diphtheritic myocarditis
(toxic damage to the heart muscles) and neuritis (toxic damage to
the peripheral nerves).
How is the condition diagnosed?
The appearance of the membrane in the throat is usually quite
distinctive. A swab sample taken from the back of the throat is
checked for the bacteria causing the disease. The bacteria are
isolated and grown to see if they are producing the toxin.
What is the treatment?
The goal of treatment is to neutralize the effect of the toxins,
eliminate further toxin production, control the local infection
and prevent transmission. Penicillin is usually effective in
treating diphtheria before it releases toxins into the blood.
However one must neutralise the Diphtheria toxin circulating in
the blood stream. This is done by giving an antitoxin in
combination with the antibiotic. Rarely, a tracheostomy (a
breathing tube inserted into the wind pipe by an operation) may be
needed if the patient has severe breathing difficulties. A cardiac
pacemaker may have to be given to the patient if there is severe
slowing of the heart rate.
How can it be prevented?
Immunization is the best preventive measure. Immunization against
diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus is given by a combined
vaccine - the DPT (triple) vaccine. Three doses are given at 2, 4
and 6 months of age. A booster dose is given at 1-1/2 and 5 and
8-10 years of age.
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