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  Colon Cancer  



What is Colon Cancer ?

Colon cancer is the cancer of the large intestine or colon and rectal cancer occurs in the rectum, which consists of the last six to eight inches of the colon. Both these types are jointly termed as colorectal cancer. Most of these cancers, which develop as benign polyps, turn malignant with time. While colon cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer deaths in the world, the survival rates have also increased steadily through the years. The past 20 years have witnessed a rapid hike in this rate, which is attributed to the advanced methods of diagnosis and treatment. Let us know more about the colon cancer survival rates.

Colon Cancer Survival Rates
Colon cancer survival rate is a comparative study of the people affected by this cancer through the years. It cannot give a definite answer regarding the life expectancy of a colon cancer patient, but can provide the information regarding some patients in similar circumstances. These figures can provide a vague idea about what may happen to you, based on what has happened to the patients in similar conditions. However, colon cancer survival rates are useful in determining the various aspects of treatment, in light of the experience of the earlier patients.

Colon Cancer Survival Rates and Stages of Cancer
As in any other type of cancer, the survival rate in case of colon cancer also depends on the stages of the cancer growth, during diagnosis. The survival rate is inversely proportional to the stage of cancer growth. If the cancer is detected during its early stages, the chances of survival is higher and vice versa. The Journal of the National Cancer Institute has given the following figures as colon cancer survival rates in the United States. If the diagnosis reveals a cancer at stage 1, the survival rate is 93%. It will be 85% for a stage 2A colon cancer, 72% for stage 2B, 83% for stage 3A, 64% for stage 3B, 44% for stage 3C and 8% for stage 4.

Colon Cancer Survival Rates and Cancer Location
Colon cancer survival rates are also affected by the location of the malignant tumor. Studies were conducted in the United States among colon cancer patients, who were alive for five years after the initial diagnosis. According to these studies, the five year survival rate for tumors in the ascending colon (closest to small intestine) is 63%. The same rate for transverse colon is 59% and for descending colon, it is 66%. The transverse colon is the horizontal portion of the large intestine, which succeeds the ascending colon. The descending colon comes after the transverse colon and ends with the rectum.

Some researches suggest that regular exercises can have an impact on the survival rate of colon cancer patients. Moderate exercises are recommended by experts. Another speculation is that a diet rich in vitamin D is also beneficial in increasing colon cancer survival rates. As per this research, the patients with high levels of vitamin D in their blood are likely to survive longer than those with low vitamin D levels. These studies suggest the intake of vitamin D supplements for people affected with colon cancer. Another study related to colon cancer recommends the intake of aspirin to prevent the occurrence of colon cancer. As polyps are found to be the base of most cases of colon cancers, intake of aspirin can reduce the occurrence and symptoms of colon polyps like anal fissures, which may turn to colon cancer at a later stage.








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