What is Cerebellar Ataxia ?
Cerebellar Ataxia refers to a condition of unsteadiness of gate.
Causes of ataxia are varied. It includes, among others,
alcoholism, multiple sclerosis, brain tumors, thyroid disease and
genetic abnormalities. It may also result from a viral infection
or chicken pox during childhood. Various disorders fall under
ataxia, including Ataxia. Cerebellar Ataxia is caused by the
degeneration of the cerebellum, the part of the brain that
controls coordination and balance. Onset varies greatly from
childhood to late adulthood. Childhood onset of Cerebellar Ataxia
is more than likely caused by genetic abnormalities. Most of these
cases are inherited in an autosomal recessive fashion, however,
there have been rare cases where it has been traced to the X
What is Symptoms of Cerebellar Ataxia ?
Common symptoms of Cerebellar Ataxia include sudden writhing
movements of arms and legs and jerky eye movements. The different
types of Cerebellar Ataxia are classified according to cause and
specific location affected, but their symptoms do not vary
greatly. In rare occasions, symptoms may subside on their own
within a few months.
Genetic counseling is strongly encouraged in families with an
incidence of Cerebellar Ataxia. A thorough genetic and pedigree
analysis must be done in order to determine the form of Cerebellar
Ataxia the individual has. Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)
maybe of benefit to those families with the X-linked form of the
disease. PGD tests for genetic abnormalities in an embryo prior to
implantation. It can also determine the embryo’s gender.
Implanting only the embryos whose gender is not likely to develop
the disease will greatly reduce the chance of having an affected
child. An experienced genetic counselor should be able to
determine whether PGD will be beneficial. PGD is available for a
variety of X-linked diseases and other genetic disorders. It is
also being continually improved to encompass other genetic
Symptoms of Cerebellar Ataxia
Global Health
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Cerebellar Ataxia - treatment of Cerebellar
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