Lungs are the respiratory organs of the human body which help a
person in breathing, by taking in oxygen and giving out carbon
dioxide . Lungs contain tube like structures called the bronchial
tubes or airways through which the air passes. When the airways
are exposed to tobacco, dust or other chemical substances for a
long period of time, it is likely that a person may develop
There are two types of bronchitis, namely acute bronchitis and
chronic bronchitis. Acute bronchitis is a milder form of
bronchitis, mostly caused by virus or bacteria and goes away with
or without minimal treatment. However, chronic bronchitis is a
more severe disease which stays with a person for a long time. The
most common cause of chronic bronchitis is cigarette smoking. It
is also found in people who work in places where they come in
contact with harmful substances like dust, chemical fumes, etc.
Besides this, people who are exposed to pollution in the
environment and who have weak immune systems are also at the risk
of getting affected by chronic bronchitis. As a result when such
people breathe, these dangerous substances are also taken in. When
this continues for many years, the bronchial tubes develop some
kind of inflammation or irritation, leading to the development of
thick mucus inside it. When airways get filled up with mucus, it
blocks the passage of the air to the lungs, leading to chronic
bronchitis. It is also common to find chronic bronchitis with
other diseases like asthma, sinus, pulmonary emphysema, upper
respiratory infections, pneumonia, pulmonary fibrosis and
Chronic bronchitis gives rise to very severe symptoms in a person
who is affected by it. Let us look at some of the them and also
the treatment for chronic bronchitis.
Effects of Chronic Bronchitis
The most common effect of chronic bronchitis in individuals is
excessive and continuous coughing. The person may go into bouts of
coughing for a long time and may also spit mucus with it. Coughing
found in chronic bronchitis may remain with the person for many
months or even for a year.
As chronic bronchitis is a respiratory disorder, the person
affected by it has difficulty in breathing. This especially occurs
when the person does some physical exercise or activities like
climbing the stairs or even walking for a short distance. The
chances of a person with chronic bronchitis getting affected by
asthma are high.
When a person has chronic bronchitis, the lungs and airways become
weak and due to this the individual becomes more susceptible to
various other infections and ailments like fever. Moreover, a
person with severe chronic bronchitis can also develop pneumonia,
though this is mostly seen in old people. Individuals who continue
to smoke even after being diagnosed with chronic bronchitis, are
vulnerable to developing lung cancer.
The effects of chronic bronchitis are serious but it can be cured
with proper treatment. Usually medication is given to treat a
person with chronic bronchitis. One of the medicines used for
chronic bronchitis is bronchodilator, which is available in the
form of an inhaler. Physicians may also prescribe other medicines
like theophylline and steroids for this disease. However, one must
remember that more than medicines, avoiding cigarette smoking
totally would help in one's quick recovery.
Acute Bronchitis
Bronchitis infected by
Child seek medical care
Bronchitis - treatment of Bronchitis,
Bronchitis types, Disease medicines, Bronchitis symptoms, Bronchitis and
Disease symptoms, Bronchitis symptoms Disease and diagnosis, Symptoms and
Solutions, Signs and Symptoms, type of Bronchitis, cause common, common
Bronchitis, Bronchitis List, causes list, Infectious Bronchitis, Causes,
Diseases , Types, Prevention, Treatment and Facts, Bronchitis information,
Bronchitis: Definition, Bronchitis names, medical Bronchitis, medical
Bronchitis and disorders, cell Bronchitis, Bronchitis Worldwide, Bronchitis
Research, Bronchitis Control, Bronchitis Center, Digestive Bronchitis Week,
Information about Bronchitis, causes of different Bronchitis, Bronchitis
Articles, Bronchitis and conditions, Health and Bronchitis, Bronchitis
Patients, Bronchitis and Sciences, causes of alzheimer's Bronchitis,
Bronchitis causes, alternative medicine heart Bronchitis, body ailments,
Bronchitis medicines, medical antiques, type of blood Bronchitis