An anal fissure is a tear in the internal lining of the anus.
Treatment of anal fissures is divided into medical and surgical
groups. Medical treatment of acute fissures is based upon topical
creams, sitz baths, perirectal hygiene and dietary changes
consisting of increasing fiber content. Anal itching is also
called rectal itching. Anal itch is an irritating sensation around
the anus that is relieved temporarily by scratching or rubbing.
Anal itching occurs more often in men, and, most of the time, no
cause can be identified. Anal itching occurs around and near the
anus, which is the opening for the bowels.
Anorectal abscess Hemorrhoids
An anorectal abscess is a collection of pus in the anal or rectal
region. Symptoms include painful, hardened tissue in the perianal
area, discharge of pus from the rectum, a lump or nodule,
tenderness at the edge of the anus, fever, constipation, or pain
associated with bowel movements. Treatment involves drainage of
the abscess. Hemorrhoids, often called piles, are clusters of
veins in the anus, just under the membrane that lines the lowest
part of the rectum and anus. Hemorrhoids are dilated veins which
occur in and around the anus and rectum. Humans are prone to
hemorrhoids because erect posture puts a lot of pressure on the
veins in the anal region.
Ostomy Pilonidal disease
An ostomy is a surgical procedure performed when normal bowel or
bladder function is lost due to birth defects, disease, treatment
for disease, or injury. Types of ostomy procedures include
colostomy, ileostomy, and urostomy. The type performed depends on
the location and extent of the disease or injury. Pilonidal
disease is a chronic skin problem found most often in the
sacrococcygeal region. Pilonidal disease usually occurs in young,
hairy white men but can also occur in women. Treatment for
pilonidal disease can include keeping the area around the crease
of the buttocks clean, draining the cyst.
Proctitis Rectal prolapse
Proctitis is inflammation of the lining of the rectum, called the
rectal mucosa. Proctitis can be short term (acute) or long term
(chronic). Many diseases spread by sex may cause proctitis, such
as gonorrhea, syphilis, or herpes. A rectal injury or putting
objects in the rectum may cause proctitis. Rectal prolapse is a
condition in which the rectum, (the lower end of the colon,
located just above the anus), turns itself inside out. Rectal
prolapse is protrusion of rectal tissue through the anus to the
exterior of the body. Several factors may contribute to the
development of rectal prolapse.
Imperforate anus
Imperforate anus is a congenital absence or obstruction of the
anal opening. Imperforate anus is a malformation of the anorectal
region that may occur in several forms. The rectum may end in a
blind pouch that does not connect with the colon. A condition of
stenosis (narrowing) of the anus or absence of the anus may be
Anal itching
Anal itching is also called
rectal itching. Anal itch is an irritating sensation around the
anus that is relieved temporarily by scratching or rubbing. Anal
itching occurs more often in men, and, most of the time, no cause
can be identified. Anal itching occurs around and near the anus,
which is the opening for the bowels.
Hemorrhoids, often called piles, are clusters of veins in the
anus, just under the membrane that lines the lowest part of the
rectum and anus. Hemorrhoids are dilated veins which occur in and
around the anus and rectum. Humans are prone to hemorrhoids
because erect posture puts a lot of pressure on the veins in the
anal region.
Pilonidal disease is a chronic skin problem found most often in
the sacrococcygeal region. Pilonidal disease usually occurs in
young, hairy white men but can also occur in women. Treatment for
pilonidal disease can include keeping the area around the crease
of the buttocks clean, draining the cyst.
Rectal prolapse is a condition
in which the rectum, (the lower end of the colon, located just
above the anus), turns itself inside out. Rectal prolapse is
protrusion of rectal tissue through the anus to the exterior of
the body. Several factors may contribute to the development of
rectal prolapse.
Global Health
Healthcare Provider
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and rectal disorders, Anal and rectal disorders types, Disease medicines,
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and Solutions, Signs and Symptoms, type of Anal and rectal disorders, cause
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