The child who frequently hits, slaps, and bites other children or
other people or destroys toys or objects, exhibits aggressive
behavior that upsets parents and other children. Aggressive
behavior includes intentional breaking of things, pushing,
kicking, or hitting others, and verbal abuse of playmates or
others with threats of violence, name-calling and swearing.
How can it be prevented or reduced?
Aggressive behavior in children is easier to prevent than to
eliminate. Lesser the aggressive behavior a child is exposed to,
lesser the likelihood of aggressive behavior toward others. The
following may reduce aggressive behavior in children:
1. Setting an example for the child is important. The parents
should avoid display of
aggressive behavior and refrain from verbal abuse in front of
2. Keep the children away from people or playmates who are
3. Avoid television programme featuring violence.
4. Do not act roughly with an aggressive child. This would
encourage aggressive behavior in the child.
5. Avoid all forms of physical punishment. Spanking, hitting and
physical abuse can teach a child to spank and hit others.
6. Acknowledge the child’s anger. Very often the child repeats the
aggressive act as he wants attention.
7. Hold the aggressive child if necessary to avoid others being
hurt. This is when reasoning should be used and the child should
be taught alternative ways of behaving.
8. Physical manifestation of parent's feelings of love for the
children is important. The children should get cuddling and other
forms of physical contact with the parents.
Does it affect their development?
Aggression in early years may make the children into aggressive
adults, which can make them misfits in society. Aggression can
turn inside and can harm the individual's physical and emotional
development also. But, in most cases, careful handling of these
children can avoid problems in later life.
How To Correct Child Behavior Problem
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