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Each 5ml contains

Protein hydrolysate 20% ............................................. 0.333 gm
Carbohydrate...............................................................3.000 gm
Niacinamid IP.............................................................10.000 mg
Iron choline Citrate USP................................................15.00 gm
Magnesium Chloride IP.................................................3.333 mg
Manganese Chloride USP.............................................0.033 mg
As trace element Zinc Sulphate IP....................................2.7 mg
equivalent to Elemental Zinc...... ..................................0.600 mg
L-Lysine Mono Hydrochloride U....................................20.00 mg
Flavoured Syrupy Base.........................................................q.s.

Protein Concentrate with Iron, Vitamins & Minerals

Role of vitamins and minerals, it helps to understand a little bit about the chemistry of your body. Living organisms rely on highly complex processes to perform and regulate those internal functions that are necessary to maintain life. Processes are in place to -
- Build the cells that make up your body's structures
- Meet the separate needs of different types of cells
- Permit each of these different cell types to carry out its own specific functions
- Help maintain cellular structure and performance
- Alter the type and degree of cellular activity in the face of changing circumstances
- Communicate and coordinate each cell's activity with the activity of other cells and organs in the body
- Adjust cellular behavior, as needed, in ways that will permit a coordinated response of the whole organism to its environment
- Dispose of waste products
- Govern the disposal of cells when their job is done

The scientific term we use to describe all this is homeostasis. Homeostasis can be defined, then, as the ability of a living organism to maintain its structure and function intact, separate from and invulnerable to the forces of its environment.

The maintenance of homeostasis is highly complex, requiring many series of chemical reactions, distinct and yet interrelated. Each step in each reaction requires the presence of specific substances, often in minute amounts. If these materials are not present, or are present in too small a quantity to perform their roles, the reactions that require them cannot proceed correctly.

The present study investigated the effect of a protein hydrolysate from green algae. The observed properties of the algae protein hydrolysate suggest that it is capable of stimulating enzyme processes in addition to having some antitoxic effect in skeletal muscle.

As per the physician’s advice.

200 ml Bottle

Frutomin_small.jpg Frutomin-200ml_small.jpg

Note : This product information is intended only for residents of the India. Taj Pharmaceuticals Limited,  medicines help to treat and prevent a range of conditions—from the most common to the most challenging—for people around the world.

Information for Health Care Professionals

*** Please consult local Prescribing Information for any product before use. This website is an international information resource for healthcare professionals with an interest in disease management. This website is not intended to replace the advice of a qualified healthcare professional. Above brand is a trademark of the Taj group of companies (Taj Pharmaceuticals Limited).

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