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Tetrazepam is a generic name. It is prescribed for the management of anxiety disorders, and for the short-term relief of anxiety or panic attacks. It can also be used for the treatment of the symptoms of severe alcohol withdrawal, including agitation, tremors, delirium tremens, and hallucinosis. Other conditions that Tetrazepam is used for include muscle spasms, spasticity, involuntary writhing movements, and stiff-man syndrome. It is occasionally used in conjunction with other medications as a treatment for convulsive disorders. It comes in pills and in a liquid solution.

       For more information, please see Full Prescribing Information.

If you stop taking Tetrazepam abruptly, you could experience withdrawal symptoms, including convulsions, tremor, stomach pain, muscle cramps, vomiting, and sweating. More severe withdrawal symptoms occur when you have been taking Tetrazepam for a longer period of time than if you have been taking it for a shorter one. If you are discontinuing treatment with Spamorelax, your doctor should gradually discontinue your dosage to help minimize any symptoms of withdrawal. If you are prone to addictions your doctor should observe you carefully to make sure you do not become addicted to Tetrazepam. It should also not be given to patients who have a certain kind of glaucoma known as acute narrow angle glaucoma.

If you are suffering from depression in addition to the other for which you are receiving treatment, you should be aware that Tetrazepam is not indicated to help you with this condition. If your depression leads you to suicidal thoughts or tendencies, Tetrazepam will not treat this condition. You should see your doctor immediately; he or she may wish to adjust your medication or to prescribe something else.

Some common side effects of Tetrazepam can include drowsiness, fatigue, and unsteadiness. Less common effects include confusion, constipation, depression, double vision or blurred vision, slurred speech, headache, low blood pressure, weak bladder control, jaundice, changes in libido, nausea, changes in the amount of saliva, rash, tremors, inability to urinate, or dizziness. Other reactions are known as paradoxical, meaning that the side effects can be the symptoms you are trying to treat in the first place. These can include excited states, anxiety, hallucinations, increased muscle spasticity, insomnia, other sleeping difficulties, or rage. If any of these occur, you should stop taking Tetrazepam and call your doctor immediately. Very rare side effects can include low white blood cell count, jaundice, and changes in heart rate. These do not seem to concern experts, but do indicate that you should be monitored regularly while you are taking Tetrazepam. Some severe side effects indicate that you should call your doctor right away; these include seizures, shuffling walk, inability to sit still, shaking hands, or severe rash.

If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, you should not receive treatment with Tetrazepam. Tetrazepam can contribute to fetal malformations and other harm to a developing child. Tetrazepam may be prescribed for children, but it has not been evaluated for children younger than six months of age, so it should not be given to infants.


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