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  Congestive Heart Failure Or CHF  



What id Congestive Heart Failure or CHF
Congestive heart failure, or CHF, which is also referred to as congestive cardiac failure, or CCF, or simply heart failure, is a medical problem wherein the heart loses its ability to fill with or pump adequate amounts of blood to the various parts of the body as well as the organs, which leads fluid retention in the body. This condition occurs due to various factors.

Such as:
* The narrowing of the arteries supplying the heart muscle with blood, known as coronary artery disease
* Myocardial infarction, wherein there is scar tissue, which hinders the normal working of the heart muscle
* Impairment of the heart valve because of rheumatic fever in the past, or other reasons
* Congenital defects of the heart
* High blood pressure
* Cardiomyopathy, which is a disorder of the heart muscle or myocardium, generally of unknown causes
* Endocarditis, which is an inflammation of the heart valves and the endocardium
* Myocarditis, which is the inflammation of the muscular tissue of the heart, or myocardium

The impaired heart continues to work, but cannot do so as efficiently as it does normally. Those who are affected with congestive heart failure lose their ability to exert themselves as they tire fast and become short of breath.

What are the Effects of Congestive Heart Failure?

As there is a slowing down of the blood flowing from the heart, the blood that returns to the heart via the veins begins backing up, resulting in the tissues becoming congested. Often, this results in edema, or swelling, usually in the ankles and legs, although it can also affect other areas of the body as well as organs. For instance, the impaired heart muscles may be incapable of supplying the kidneys with enough blood, resulting in them losing the ability to excrete water and sodium, which in turn causes increased fluid retention in the body. There is also a build up of fluid in the lungs, known as pulmonary edema, which results in breath shortness, hence diminishing the individual’s exercise capacity. Likewise, fluids may get accumulated in the liver, because of which it loses its ability to get rid of toxins from the body as well as make essential proteins. Fluid retention also affects the intestines, which lose their ability to absorb nutrients as well as medications efficiently. If left untreated, eventually congestive heart failure can affect almost every organ.

As a matter of fact, congestive heart failure is one of the leading causes of people above the age of 65 getting hospitalized. There is a 10 percent mortality rate annually, even with the best of treatments. In addition, the condition often goes undiagnosed because of difficulties in diagnosing it, especially at its initial stages or when it occurs in its mild form.

What are the Signs of Congestive Heart Failure?
One of the earliest signs of congestive heart failure is fatigue, accompanied by the affected person’s diminished capacity to exercise. In fact, most people don’t even realize this reduction, with them usually compensating subconsciously by reducing their activities in order to adapt to this limitation.

With the body becoming congested with fluid, and the lungs becoming affected, resulting in shortness of breath, which impairs the ability to exercise and also when lying down flat. Sometimes, the affected person may wake up at night gasping for breath. Some even have to sleep sitting in an upright position. The excessive fluid in the body also results in an increase in urination, especially at night. When the fluids accumulate in the intestines and liver, it may result in a decrease in the appetite, pain in the abdomen, and nausea.

How can Congestive Heart Failure be Treated?
The treatment for congestive hear failure usually includes: rest; correct diet; a modification in daily activities; as well as drugs like angiotensin-converting enzyme, or ACE inhibitors, beta blockers, vasodilators, digitalis, and diuretics.

Vasodilators and ACE inhibitors help to expand the blood vessels as well as decrease the resistance of the blood flow in them. This enables the easier flow of blood, easing the working of the heart, thus making it more efficient. Digitalis is a powerful heart stimulant. Beta blockers improves the pumping of the left ventricle of the heart. And, diuretics help in eliminating the excess fluid and salt in the body.

Sometimes, when a specific cause is identified, treating that or correcting it can alleviate congestive heart failure. For instance, sometimes treating high blood pressure can ease congestive heart failure, or if an abnormal heart valve is found to be the cause, surgically replacing it can ease the condition.

A more drastic step, like a heart transplant, has to be taken in case of the heart becoming so damaged that repairing it becomes impossible.

Usually, people affected with moderate or mild congestive heart failure have the ability to be treated. With good medical supervision, these people can lead more or less normal lives, without needing them to become invalids.














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Diet in CCF patient

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